Five years ago we asked you what your favourite treks were, and from the results of the poll we compiled our popular Top 100 Treks list – now we want to know what your favourite peaks are!
There’s lots of reasons why we like and are attracted to certain mountains; it may be because they’re beautiful (Ama Dablam), they’re big (Everest), they have historic significance (Matterhorn), they are great for scrambling (Tryfan), or for winter mountaineering (Ben Nevis) or they just hold great memories of adventures past for us. Whatever the reason, most of us can pick out a few peaks that we rank as our favourites – and that’s what we’re asking you to do in our Top 100 Peaks poll and competition.
All you have to do is click on the link below and pick your five favourite mountains in order, from 1 to 5. As an incentive we’ve teamed up with Ellis Brigham to give away an Osprey Mutant 38 mountain pack worth £130 and two £50 vouchers, and these will go to three lucky entrants chosen at random. We’ll be announcing the results of the poll in the next issue – our 100th edition, no less – so make sure you pick up a copy!
Your choice of peaks can be literally any mountains in the world, from British hills and mountains to the largest Himalayan monsters, but here’s a few of our favourite peaks to get you thinking…

Alpamayo – the most beautiful mountain in the world?

Ben Nevis: the HQ of British mountaineering

Everest: the biggest but is it the best?

Tryfan: much-loved for its awesome scrambling routes

Ama Dablam: instantly recognisable and a great climbing objective