An introduction and reminder of the ski techniques that are an essential part of every backcountry skiers skill set.
Winter skiing warm up
A quick look at some of the exercises that you can do to help get your ski legs back after they have been to sleep over summer.
Ski mountaineering – packing your bag part 2
Here Mark looks at additional items you may wish to carry with you in the Scottish hills or further a field on glaciated terrain.
Building a belay using the rope
Glenmore Lodge instructor Derek Bain demonstrates how to construct a multi point anchor using the rope.
Packing your bag for winter mountaineering
Glenmore Lodge instructor Giles Trussell offers some top tips for packing your bag before heading onto the hill.
Understanding pacing as a key navigational aid
Glenmore Lodge Head of Training Nigel Williams talks through the key navigational skill of pacing, understanding how many paces it takes you to cover distance on the ground.
Setting the map using the compass
Scottish Orienteering Development Officer Hilary Quick demonstrates how to set your map using a compass (in this case and orienteering thumb compass).
Keeping the map set on the move
Scottish Orienteering Development Officer Hilary Quick demonstrates how to keep the map set while on the move.
Setting your map to the ground
Glenmore Lodge Head of Training Nigel Williams talks through the key orienteering and navigation skill of setting the map to the ground.
The different parts of a compass
Glenmore Lodge Head of Training Nigel Williams explains the different parts of a compass and what they are used for.